For an academic health-care system:

We facilitated the work of a high-level commission charged with reviewing and revising policies relating to interactions with industry.

Academic medical centers were facing increasing scrutiny about the potential for conflict of interest across their research, education and clinical care activities – and yet there was growing concern that overreaction to this scrutiny could stifle productive interactions with industry, thereby limiting the value to society of academic discovery. An academic health care system took a proactive approach, establishing a commission comprised of the most senior leaders across the system to review and revise its policies governing interactions with industry, with the goal of striking the right balance. AltshulerStaats was hired to support the work of the commission. Among other activities, AltshulerStaats benchmarked other leading institutions to better understand the scope of approaches among peer institutions and identify best practices, which were reviewed and considered by the commission. AltshulerGray designed and facilitated commission meetings, and drafted the commission’s report, which was used as the basis for a major revision of conflict of interest policy.


Academic medical centers

Service Delivered

Public / private partnerships, Retreat / board facilitation